Am I a Good Candidate for Visian ICL Lenses?

Am I a Good Candidate for Visian ICL Lenses?

Visian ICL—Implantable Collamer Lenses—are FDA-approved to correct nearsightedness without the use of glasses and contacts. With a short procedure, this eye surgery can offer life-changing benefits to people who are accustomed to relying on glasses and contacts to get through the day. Should you consider this kind of vision correction in Chicago?

Although only your eye doctor can decide for sure if you are a good candidate for Visian ICL, they are generally appropriate for people who are between the ages of 21 and 45 who are nearsighted with mild to severe myopia. Patients should not have had any changes to their glasses or contact prescriptions of greater than .5D for at least a year—this helps to ensure that their vision loss will not progress further after getting Visian ICL. This procedure is ideal for people who need a treatment that does not create dry eye complications. However, if you have been diagnosed with astigmatism of more than 2.5D, then your eye doctor may recommend a different treatment plan.