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  • Reasons to Choose Visian ICL

    If your eye doctor or ophthalmologist recommends that you undergo eye surgery for vision correction in Chicago , you should ask him about Visian ICL. Visian ICL, a type of intraocular contact lens treatment, is an incredibly safe, effective form of eye surgery that results in significant vision correction. Intraocular contact lenses are contact lenses that are implanted directly into the lens of the eye for optimal vision correction.

    You might qualify for Visian ICL eye surgery even if your eye doctor did not consider you a good candidate for LASIK surgery or other vision correction surgeries. Visian ICL is safe, and provides predictable, stable vision correction. Unlike disposable or gas permeable contact lenses, intraocular contact lenses do not require cleaning or maintenance, and can remain in your eyes even while you sleep, bathe, and swim. This means that you won’t have to deal with the frequent eye care associated with removable contact lenses.

    An eye doctor can remove your intraocular contact lenses if you experience problems. Visian ICL eye surgery offers vision correction for a variety of eye problems, including mild to severe myopia and astigmatism. The eye surgery doesn’t carry the risk of dry eye syndrome.

     Vision Correction in Chicago

  • Kids’ Eyes and Screen Time

    If you’re looking for eye glasses near Chicago for your child, you may be wondering if computer and television screen time have contributed to his or her nearsightedness. While you’re not alone in this question, there is not a lot of firm medical evidence indicating that screen time causes nearsightedness or eye problems in children. However, there is some speculative evidence suggesting a correlation between time spent reading up close and nearsightedness.

    Watch this video from the American Academy of Ophthalmology to listen to an eye doctor speak about screen time and kids’ eyes. According to this optician, the best thing you can do is to encourage your children to interact with people and the outside environment rather than spending their time behind a screen. Not only will this benefit their eye care, it will also encourage socialization and discourage a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Different Types of Contact Lenses

    Different Contact Lens Options If your eye doctor or ophthalmologist has determined that you need vision correction, he may recommend contact lenses. Other than eye surgery, contact lenses are typically the most effective form of vision correction. If you’re interested in contact lenses in Chicago , take some time to read about your different contact lens options.

    If you suffer from severe astigmatism, your eye doctor may suggest rigid, gas permeable contact lenses. These are often called hard contact lenses, because they are made from an inflexible material. Gas permeable lenses are worn for a full year, and are more resistant to breaking or ripping than soft contact lenses.

    Eye doctors more commonly prescribe disposable contact lenses, or soft contact lenses, for vision correction. These lenses are typically worn for one or two months before throwing them away and using a fresh, new pair. They are sold in boxes of six, and you can purchase up to a year’s supply of lenses at one time. Daily wear contact lenses are worn for a full day, and removed and stored while you sleep. Extended wear contact lenses are soft contact lenses that are worn day and night for a week at a time.